Saturday, March 3, 2012


I thought I would see if I can blog from my iPad. So this is a test.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Photographs at Pacific Street Gallery

New London, CT
Almost London. Almost Escher.
Don't miss this show--
Craig Chessari shot St Patrick's gothic ceiling.
More to come- Linnie

Monday, September 6, 2010

Opening Today

The season's inaugural show at Pacific Street Gallery, 11 Pacific Street, New London, CT begins this week and will run through October on the first floor of the gallery.The theme, Lightly Held, has been interpreted by ten artists in a different way. To deepen the viewing experience, individual artist statements will accompany the work.

Artist reception will be held in the middle of the show’s run, on Saturday, October 9 from 6:00-9:00 PM.  As always, the conversation and refreshments are noteworthy, so arrive early.
Exhibiting artists are:
Gloria Brooks, Windsor, multi-media
Pete Brooks, Windsor, photography
Craig Chessari, Woodbury, photography
Jackie Flatow, Westport, soft pastels
Dermot McNamarra, New London, painting
Richard Riddington, Jr., Shelton, photography, featured above
Cynthia Samul, New London, painting
Ann Samul, New London, multi-media
Linnie York, Woodbury, oil and acrylic
Rose Young, New London/Norwich, photography

Friday, September 3, 2010

OPENS TODAY---Rubin, Nepalese Legacy in Tibetan Painting

Last night we previewed this exhibit in a members only opportunity. Exqusite ivory carving of a teacher was the centerpiece for me! Detailed paintings were best with magnifying glasses provided by the museum. No photos allowed.
The highlight exhibit was in the basement, where Jung's Red Book was. 19th Century photographs of Bhutan and Sikkim taken by Brits in power, and putting Ansel Adams in a race for the grand inbreath/"oh, my" inevitable when viewing immense stillness. Photog White's decendents were present to share in the delight of the only set of photos of it's kind on this planet. You won't believe the size of the glaciers 180 years ago!
Best gift shop of any NYC museum!
Best rice and veggies in town at the cafe bar.
Rubin Museum of Art, 7th Avenue on 17th Street, closed Tuesday.

More to come- Linnie

New Shows Appearing Weekly

The subway tunnels are stifiling. The cabs mostly fake air-conditioned. But the museums and galleries are preparing for the fall. Get ready!
Get your routes figured out. Buy walking shoes. Get The New Yorker weekly from Sept 15 to Oct 15. It's time to tool around the art acene!

More to come- Linnie

Monday, August 30, 2010

Don't Pick the Frick

Reasons to wait---
Hot summer. Most of the wonderful small works have been loaned out, and the anteroom, filled with the best paintings, off the breakfast room, is closed to visitors!

Reasons to go-
So come for the additions that Helen Clay Frick, his daughter, made this collection from the early middle ages and sculpture. Come for El Greco's "Saint Jerome," over the fireplace in the living room. (My favorite "St. Jerome in His Study" is in Britain's National Gallery--amazing work!)
Stay for the extensive historical film in the Music Room. Appreciate that John Pope made the house even better as a museum than it was as a home...
BUT wait for the winter exhibits.

Tourists are going at the pace of their hand-held recorded tour phones, lost in audio land. They walk in front of viewers, irritatingly oblivious to those standing back from the painting, the Frick has created the most smashing of experiences.
More to come- Linnie

Monday, July 26, 2010

Edward Hopper at the Whitney Soon

"All I ever wanted to do was paint sunlight on the side of a house."
Edward Hopper
Hopper lived in Greenwich Village over 50 years in the same walk-up apartment. He ate every meal at the same neighborhood diner (remember the painting?). His wife said he did not like change much.
Upon his death, she gave 3,000 of his paintings to the Whitney Museum which is currently remodeling an area just for Hopper.
He hated children so there are no children in his paintings. And he will be remembered for sunlight on the side of a house.
More to come- Linnie