Saturday, April 17, 2010

Book of Hours- Prayers 5x a Day

Illuminated medieval book of prayer made for Catherine of Cleves is displayed at the JP Morgan Library and Museum until May 2 for a $12.00 admission. On-line after May 2 at

For $1.00 you can visit the Met's Cloisters in Ft. Tyron Park on the Hudson (Bus M4 from Grand Central--Cheap but 1.5 hour ride). In the gift shop, the book is reproduced in large format, and you can browse for free. Several other Book of Hours are also in book form ranging in price from $8.95 to 85.00.
Best Buy: A readable usuable Book of Hours by Thomas Merton on Amazon. Enlightened and focusing. Spiritual prayers in rhythm: pre-dawn, dawn, day, dusk, dark. Join the Muslim and Hassidic communites in devoted attention. Or chant a holy sound constantly.
Whatever keeps you Present.
More to come- Linnie

Death comes High and Low

LOW---The Brooklyn Museum of Art has taken the low road to Egyptian Afterlife. Mummification details inscribed on the walls of the exhibit, and body parts on display insure that school tours will be noisy and gory. The hind-brain at it's best in public.

HIGH---In contrast, The Rubin Museum of Art's "Remember You Will Die" focuses across cultures on the process, rituals and spiritual beliefs. Any Hospice worker would be at home in this exhibit. The pre-frontal cortex may learn some things at the Rubin!