Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Two mural-sized paintings grace the Linclon Center Plaza on cloudy days. The curtains are drawn on sunny days. Just inside the Met Opera. Or see them at night from inside the building.
Secret: Russian born French painter, Marc Chagall (1887-1985) visited the Met for the installation in 1966. Unable to face a great white wall in the orchestra rehearsal room, he found scaffolding and painted an explosive impromptu mural, 2 stories high. You have to join the orchestra to see it!
Secret #2: West Side Story was filmed on the proposed Lincoln Center site, delaying the razing of the area for the new construction in the early '60's.
More to come- Linnie

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's the SEASON

Lincoln Center is in full bloom. Opera, Symphony, Chamber Music, Performing Arts Library. Ballet to come. Most of the construction is completed, so get your mid-winter tickets now. It's better than spring skiing! And cheaper, too!
More to come- Linnie

Sweet Jupiter Symphony--$10.00! BEST BARGAIN for Chamber Musc

The world's top young artists clamor to play for you at $10.00 a seat! Intimate concert for 150 folks in an historical church venue--with chairs not pews! Every other Monday at 2 and 7:30 PM half a block from Lincoln Center. We gray hairs like 2 PM. Come early. They sell out now that the NY Times reviewed them.
More to come- Linnie