Wednesday, November 25, 2009


at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
This blogger photographs the mirror and the man
exiting behind her.

More to come- Linnie

Thursday, November 19, 2009

THE RED BOOK-- Carl Jung's

He had a RED BOOK. I have a Green Book. Compilations of the most important dreams, images and understandings over a lifetime.
Jung's calligraphy and illuminated work, full of paintings, mandalas and dream images, is the most imporsant unpublished work in the world. FOR THE FIRST TIME AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC for $10.00 and a trip to 150 W. 17th Street just east of 7th Ave in Chelsea.

Jung (1875-1961) drew his first Mandala in 1917. The museum has an entire floor devoted to the world's mandalas, if you want to see more in the Rubin Museum of Art.
Journal pages handwritten in German and Latin with drawings and sketches line the exhibit room.
Paintings in oil, watercolor, gold leaf, and pen adorn the wall spaces around the book, like a sacred shrine with side chapels.
One of the top 10 ezperiences of my life. Knowing about the Red Book and making my own, has been constant forwarding action into places I could only wonder about.
Exhibit runs until January 25, 2010
You don't have to fly to Switzerland! And I met several Swiss there, who flew to NY to see it!
for the NY Times Review-
Thanks to Dick Ridington...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rembrandt's Portraits at Antheneum

If you have a CT library card, you can reserve a free museum pass at your library. Otherwise the admission fee is steep for the portraits, the small but powerful first floor and third floor modern works.
The best of this museum is the second floor which is currently closed. It contains a rich history of CT in furniture, rooms, items of decoration, painting and daily life. This floor really sings with history and craft.
Catch Rembrandt but return for the second floor when it re-opens.
More to come- Linnie

Friday, November 6, 2009

Veterans' Day Nov 11

Born in 1752 in the Charter of Connecticut, fought in the Continental Line and the Revolutionary War, saluting Private Samuel Franklin, buried  Woodbury, CT, 1826. (Where CT Rt 6 meets CT Rt 317, Exit 15 Interstate-84)
More to come- Linnie

Best Art Museum Bargains NYC

Admission by donation of your choice (even 1 penny) to:
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art

However other admissions are set:
Whitney Museum $18.00
Guggenheim          $18.00
Frick Museum       $18.00
Neue Galerie         $20.00
Cooper-Hewitt Design $20.00
Rubin Museum of Art (Tibetan Art)   $20.00
Jewish Museum $15.00--the bargain, Best building, too, by architect CPH Gilbert.
More to come- Linnie

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Met Museum of Art Exhibits

Vermeer: The Milkmaid, 1st floor, until November 29
American Landscapes, 1st floor, ongoing
Silk & Bamboo: China, 1st floor, until Feb 7
Jain Manuscripts, 3rd floor, until March 21
Am. Stories: Paintings of Everyday Life, 2nd floor, until 1/24
Art of Samurai, 2nd floor, 1/10
Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 1st floor, until November 15
Cinnabar Chinwese Carving, 3rd floor, until 2/21
These 8 are the BEST of the 24 exhibits currently running, in addition to the permanent collections. Currently, the first floor is enough for a one day experience. Plan to lunch in the basement cafe for best prices. $1.00 admission fee will provide for the day. Requested is $20.00 but not required becasue of government subsidies. Quick walk from the Lexington Avenue Subway 86th Street stop.

American Landscapes Exhibit, Lehman Wing, 1st floor- Thx AMX!
Budget Watcher Warning: Stay clear of the gift shops except for the last 2 tables of books which are 60-80% off retail.