Thursday, November 19, 2009

THE RED BOOK-- Carl Jung's

He had a RED BOOK. I have a Green Book. Compilations of the most important dreams, images and understandings over a lifetime.
Jung's calligraphy and illuminated work, full of paintings, mandalas and dream images, is the most imporsant unpublished work in the world. FOR THE FIRST TIME AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC for $10.00 and a trip to 150 W. 17th Street just east of 7th Ave in Chelsea.

Jung (1875-1961) drew his first Mandala in 1917. The museum has an entire floor devoted to the world's mandalas, if you want to see more in the Rubin Museum of Art.
Journal pages handwritten in German and Latin with drawings and sketches line the exhibit room.
Paintings in oil, watercolor, gold leaf, and pen adorn the wall spaces around the book, like a sacred shrine with side chapels.
One of the top 10 ezperiences of my life. Knowing about the Red Book and making my own, has been constant forwarding action into places I could only wonder about.
Exhibit runs until January 25, 2010
You don't have to fly to Switzerland! And I met several Swiss there, who flew to NY to see it!
for the NY Times Review-
Thanks to Dick Ridington...

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