Saturday, April 17, 2010

Book of Hours- Prayers 5x a Day

Illuminated medieval book of prayer made for Catherine of Cleves is displayed at the JP Morgan Library and Museum until May 2 for a $12.00 admission. On-line after May 2 at

For $1.00 you can visit the Met's Cloisters in Ft. Tyron Park on the Hudson (Bus M4 from Grand Central--Cheap but 1.5 hour ride). In the gift shop, the book is reproduced in large format, and you can browse for free. Several other Book of Hours are also in book form ranging in price from $8.95 to 85.00.
Best Buy: A readable usuable Book of Hours by Thomas Merton on Amazon. Enlightened and focusing. Spiritual prayers in rhythm: pre-dawn, dawn, day, dusk, dark. Join the Muslim and Hassidic communites in devoted attention. Or chant a holy sound constantly.
Whatever keeps you Present.
More to come- Linnie


Simone said...

Hi Linnie,

Thanks for the Catherine of Cleves post! The Morgan Library & Museum's general admission price is $12. You can find additional admission information here:

Also, I wanted to mention that we have a great online exhibition for Catherine of you can still peruse the manuscript after May 2. Enjoy!



The Morgan Library & Museum

toolingaroundart said...

Thanks, Simone. I made the corrections of the admission price.
Thanks for the comment and web link!