Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Antiques and Fine Art Magazine, Early Summer 2009

Still available on newstands and libraries.

If you are reading this, we both missed the Clark Art Institute exhibit in Williamstown, MA that closed September 7---"Dove/O'Keefe: Circles of Influence." (

The magazine has a EIGHT-PAGE (!) color spread on the main points in the exhibit.

I am a HUGE fan of Arthur Dove (1880-1946). He was a CT farmer with abstraction of nature in his blood. Discovered and exhibited by Alfred Steiglitz in the early part of the last century, he became friend and colleague of Georgia O'keefe, also discovered by Steiglitz.

I discovered Dove through my sister and the New Britian Museum of American Art in New Britian, CT. ( A traveling exhibit of his final works, which were minature oils on paper, was there in 2002. Since I missed that exhibit, I traveled to Kansas where they live at The Wichita Art Museum to view them directly. It changed my life and ignited art for me.

He can be found in many small museums, like Portland, Maine and Wichita, Kansas. But his is also actively collected by the Met and the Whitney. He is always shown near O'Keefe, so if you find her paintings and you find his. The biggest collection on display is The Phillips Collection in the heart of Washington, DC, in Phillips' mansion, which was built to house his collection.

Look for Dove. Many used books on the Internet.