Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This Saturday---Pacific Street in New London or in NYC see Kandinsky at Guggenheim!

The Dawn of Understanding is running for two more weeks at the Pacific Street Gallery in New London, Works are strong and prices are affordable. Great way to add to your collection.
Seasoned artists study the dawn or the ah-ha moments of life.

Phone 860-444-7060 for directions and gallery hours, evenings and Wednesday.
See my first posting below!
Photographers Sheila Bontreger, Pete Brooks, Craig Chessari, Bruce Fuller, Dick Ridington, Beccy Tanner.
Paintings by Jackie Flatow, Dermot McNamara, Mary Carroll Moore, Kristin York, Linnie York, Troy Zaushny.
Multi Media by Gloria Brooks, Jean Giordano, Ann Samul, Cindy Samul, Lynelle Youngquist.

Guggenheim opening of the long awaited and long publicized Kandinsky exhibit running until January 13, 2010.
See you there!